Amsterdam Institute for
Addiction Research
Bruggen bouwen tussen wetenschap en praktijk

Anneke Goudriaan


More about me:

As endowed professor of mechanisms of action and treatment of addiction, I am chair of the Academic Workplace Addiction of Arkin/Jellinek. I am an endowed professor at the AmsterdamUMC, Department of Psychiatry, University of Amsterdam. In this role I supervise PhD students and junior researchers within all research lines of the AIAR. I also work as a licensed mental health psychologist at the Jellinek TOPGGz department in Amsterdam, Jacob Obrechtstraat.

Research regarding mechanisms of action of addiction in turn leads can lead to (research into) innovative treatment methods. Translational research and the application of new research methods such as data science and network models have a central place in AIAR research projects. I am convinced that fundamental research, mixed-methods studies, and applied research are pillars for progress in both research and addiction care.

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